The Maine Department of Education, in collaboration with a diverse group of stakeholders and experts in the field, has created this initial iteration of a framework to assist in planning for a safe return to in-person instruction. It should be noted that this framework will be further developed and will evolve as additional information and guidance is provided about the epidemic.
This framework provides options, ideas, and considerations for organizing the work of reintegrating back to in-person, classroom instruction. In general, these steps are not intended to be used as requirements or mandates, rather they should be viewed as customizable starting points and resources for school administrative units (SAUs) in the difficult work of planning for the fall. Each SAU’s Collaborative Planning Team, led by the superintendent, is responsible for the development and review of their Emergency Operations Plans. Your Collaborative Planning Team should include school nurses, administrators, educators, and representatives from transportation, food service, local emergency responders, and your local or regional community health experts. This team will need to determine procedures for the schools within that unit. Exceptions to this include any applicable executive orders, state laws or local ordinances, which may be subject to change during this unpredictable emergency, and the “minimum expectations for remote learning” which will be required of all SAUs.
The pillars of this framework include safety, equity, and accessibility for all students and staff, and should encourage innovation and honor the professional integrity of Maine educators.
updated 6/11/20
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