April 20 update from Mr. Baribeau

To the parents and guardians in our Georgetown Community,


            By now, many of you are aware that our School Board unanimously voted to follow the recommendations Maine’s Commissioner of Education, to complete the 2019-2020 school year with only distance learning opportunities. Per the recommendation of our Superintendent, Dr. Keith Laser, the board voted June 5 to be the last student day.


            On a day when there is no Boston Marathon, during a week when we have been advised to only virtually celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth day, I’m caught pondering the many things we are no longer able to do as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, and nation-wide precautions. Instead however, it is time to shift gears. The show does go on, only differently, and we must collectively focus on the good and what we can do. Virtual meetings and lessons have been widely adopted, and students still have positive interactions.


            In the coming weeks, the staff and I will be brainstorming creative ways to honor and recognize the accomplishments of our 6th grade students, and explore new ways to uphold end of the year traditions that bring closure to another academic year. Our PTF has graciously purchased a yearbook for every student. Early considerations of how we may reconvene and ease the fall transition, include suggestions of a summer step up day for new teacher and classroom Q&A and yearbook signing, as well as the potential to continue educational supports for any student this summer. Certainly if the opportunity arises for the staff to redeem themselves after last year’s loss in the annual staff vs student kickball game, then we will plan on it.


            Unfortunately, the timeline for such events remains unclear, which limits our ability to make new schedules and proposals. For now, I think we all can agree that the measures taken to assure public health will be stricter and more scrutinized, when we have the opportunity to return to more in-person interactions. I continue to encourage all steps outlined nationwide to help reduce and minimize the spread of germs, which include:


·       Washing hands often

·       Keeping hands away from the face

·       Covering coughs and sneezes

·       Cleaning frequently touches surfaces

·       Staying home when you are sick


In the March School Board Meeting I estimated over 6,000 high fives given out this year. Approximately 50 students, once upon arrival to school and once at the end of the day, times five days per week equates to about 500 per week. When the time comes, I will still greet our students with excitement and appreciation. I miss our students very much but know they are in good hands. Your hands. Continue to make decisions in your own home that will keep them safe and on the path to continual growth.


As always, we are here for our community.






Christopher Baribeau, Principal